Processing of text and content
Data analysis
Quality and explicability of AI
Human-AI interaction and computer vision
Smart cities and mobility
Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry
Verification, Testing and Cybersecurity
Resource management
Advanced modeling and computing
Processing of text and content

Motinorization of social networks
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more

Detection of named entities, automatic summary and text classificationSimplification of texts
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more

Simplification of texts
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more
Data analysis

Customer segmentation
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more

Recommendation systems
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more

Mining and data analysis
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more
Quality and explicability of AI

Computational argumentation and argument mining
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more

Evaluation of AI
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more

Robustness of AI models
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more

Artificial Intelligence Explainable Systems (AIE) for Data Analysis and Management
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more
Human-AI interaction and computer vision

Affective computing
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more

Serious games
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more

Deep learning y visual artificial intelligence
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more

Multimodal interaction, VR/AR/XR, metaverse
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more
Smart cities and mobility

Intelligent agentsIntelligent agents / multi-agent systems, agreement technologiesIntelligent agents
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more

Urban and interurban mobility
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more

Smart cities
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more
Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry

Autonomous computing and self-adaptation
Abstrac Implementation of autonomous computing capabilities in services and software elementsdeveloped that allow self-adaptation in real time against production scenarioschanging. This includes optimization, healing, protection, and automatic configuration. Scientific officer Joan FontsDo you like it? Read more

Real-time optimization
Abstrac Integration of algorithms and methodology that allows continuous real-time optimization ofproduction support processes that contribute to operational efficiency and decision makingdecisions based on updated data.Implementation of autonomous computing capabilities in services and software elementsdeveloped that allow self-adaptation in real time against production scenarioschanging. This includes optimization, healing, protection, and automatic configuration. Scientific officer Joan FontsDo you like it? Read more

Technological abstraction
Abstrac Focus on developing solutions at a higher level of abstraction to avoid dealing withparticularities of the underlying technologies and ensure acceptance of the system byof the users.The development of this type of business support applications with the participation of elementsphysics can occur in any field since modeling techniques have been defined tobe adapted to the particular needs of each domain. Some activities would beadvanced manufacturing, intelligent logistics, quality management, waste control andsustainability, intelligent transportation, energy resource management, automation and roboticsindustrial, production customization and industry 4.0.The benefits it brings are improved operational efficiency, reduced waste andimproved traceability, agility in development […]Do you like it? Read more

Efficient management of physical resources
Abstrac Development of applications that facilitate the management and control of physical resources and provideDetailed information on location, traceability and status in real time. Scientific officer Joan FontsDo you like it? Read more

Elimination of intermediaries with IoT
Abstrac Design of solutions that automate the flow of information between physical objects and information systems.information for the elimination of unnecessary intermediaries that allow the appearance ofnew business models. Scientific officer Joan FontsDo you like it? Read more

Business support application development
Abstrac Creating custom applications that support specific business processes and thatincorporate physical elements and modeling techniques adapted to particular needsof each domain such as logistics, production or resource control. Scientific officer Joan FontsDo you like it? Read more

Process modeling and evaluation
Abstrac We use advanced process modeling techniques to define, evaluate and optimizeoperations in productive environments, and thus anticipate possible inconveniences foraccelerate the development cycle. Scientific officer Joan FontsDo you like it? Read more

Integration of industrial IoT infrastructures
The amount of information being generated in different domains (e.g., in the context of genomics) and especially in complex environments requires the use of artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate data analysis and generate relevant conclusions for understanding the domain under study.Do you like it? Read more
Verification, Testing and Cybersecurity

Design of cryptographic protocols: access control and electronic voting
Abstrac Cryptography offers tools to guarantee confidentiality, authenticity, integrityof information, the impossibility of repudiation of actions or decisions, as well as the availabilityof the services. Although there is a wide range of protocols adaptable to a multitude of situations,all are susceptible to modification to adapt to the particular needs of acompany or institution. We have patents for protocols for anonymous access controlor non-face-to-face electronic voting. In this way, we offer companies, with a needin particular, the adaptation of our protocols to your needs or, if necessary, the designof a specific protocol that meets your needs and guarantees the desirable propertiesmentioned […]Do you like it? Read more

AI applied to cybersecurity
Abstrac Cyber attacks have increased significantly in recent years, both against companiesas organizations. VRAIN of the UPV is working on the use of intelligence techniquesartificial intelligence and the generation of visual traffic reports from computers on a network. Thus, thenetwork administrator can, in a simple and fast way, in the event of a possible attack, initiate everythingthe server protection protocol. These systems are based on the use of neural networksand case-based reasoning to process information, agent technologies for adistributed system management and real-time technologies to ensure a response in alimited maximum time. And it is that, limiting the deliberative processes […]Do you like it? Read more

Application of cybersecurity techniques to AI
Abstrac Currently there are many cyber-physical systems such as cars, planes or vehicles.aerial, with the capacity to make vital decisions. In this sense it is essential that the reliabilityand protection is established in very early phases of the system such as design. The benefit thatVRAIN from the UPV contributes is the application of cybersecurity techniques to systems basedin AI. Scientific officer Santiago EscobarDo you like it? Read more

Cybersecurity of software systems
Abstrac We develop tools for the analysis and verification of security properties(safety) and protection (security) in mobile code (for example Java or Python), in protocolscryptographic communications systems, for example based on elliptic curves or post-quantum cryptography, or on generic software systems, for example poor management of shared resources. HeThe benefit that VRAIN of the UPV provides in this sense is having developed advanced techniquesreduction of the search space for solutions that have been integrated into differentapplications developed in research centers around the world. Scientific officer Santiago EscobarDo you like it? Read more

Automatic software testing
Abstrac TESTAR is a software test automation tool that uses APIs fromaccessibility to connect and test systems through graphical user interface (GUI).TESTAR’s flexible architecture allows you to expand your plug-and-test capabilitiesdesktop, web and mobile systems, as well as cutting-edge systems such as video gamesExtended Reality (XR).A distinctive feature of TESTAR is its high degree of automation that allows changing thetesting paradigm by using AI-enabled intelligent agents to improveAutomatic system scanning as well as fault detection. TESTAR has been usedin numerous collaborations with the industry that has allowed us to demonstrate the complementarityof this approach with traditional tests. Scientific officer Tanja […]Do you like it? Read more

Code debugging tools
Abstrac From the VRAIN institute of the UPV we have developed different advanced techniques ofcode debugging, emphasizing automatic tools and/or stronglyassisted. We mainly consider techniques based on “slicing” and reversible debugging.While the former allow us to limit the lines of code where theerror, the latter are used to explore an execution step by step, both forwardlike backwards. Debugging tools are the ideal complement to debugging techniques.testing and validation, since they assist in locating the origin of the detected errors. OfIn this way, it is possible to reduce detection, localization and, especially, correction times.of software errors, a crucial task in any […]Do you like it? Read more

Software verification and testing
Abstrac For good software quality, it is necessary to use techniques that analyze thesoftware behavior and detect possible problems and solutions. But the cost of thesetools is high due to the complexity of today’s software systems.At VRAIN of the UPV we use techniques that allow us to reduce the associated cost, temporal andmemory, such as abstract interpretation or symbolic or partial representations thatThey have the advantage of being designed to guarantee reliability. Therefore, through the use ofthese reduction/compaction techniques, VRAIN from the UPV is capable of mitigating the problemof the high cost (time and memory) of the tools that analyze […]Do you like it? Read more

Sequence processing, pattern and structure search
Abstrac We use our own machine learning techniques to design and implement classifiersand prediction systems that act on textual and structural information. Our approachIt is based on the design of formal language models. We focus especially on thegenomic information that allows us to address the design of gene locators, motifsfunctional and/or structural in proteins, and any other pattern of interest in the field ofomics information domain. This service is aimed at companies in the bio sector: pharmaceutical,sanitary, phytosanitary and bioinformatics. Scientific officer José María SempereDo you like it? Read more

Development of computer tools for the management and analysis of genomic information
Abstrac Biologists currently have an increase in genetic information availablebut without quality software tools to process that information productively. InIn this sense, the VRAIN PROS research group of the UPV, together with biologists, has createdconceptual models that accurately capture genetic concepts. This serviceallows the development of bioinformatics applications or the integration of heterogeneous informationof genomic databases or pattern detection for genomic analysis. Its advantagesare the increase in productivity in research on the Human Genome and the reductionof the cost of implementing Information Systems in the field of Bioinformatics. OfIn this way, the quality of bioinformatics tools is improved and costs […]Do you like it? Read more

Digital twins, bioprocesses and biosequences
Abstrac We design digital simulators oriented to life sciences. Our simulatorsThey act at a biochemical, biocellular and large-scale biological level. The simulators integrate allbiological information relevant to the modeling of processes and entities applied inbiomedicine and systems biology. We optimize the simulators for their possible useon high-performance platforms, with distributed and parallel information. Aimed at companiesof the bio sector: pharmaceutical, bioinformatics, biomedical and phytosanitary, among others. Scientific officer José María SempereDo you like it? Read more
Resource management

Optimization and prescriptive analytics
Abstrac These services are aimed at companies seeking to improve their decision making, efficiencyoperational and optimize the use of its resources and human capital. Using advanced techniquesand intelligent optimization, we develop customized solutions for a variety ofcommon problems in many sectors such as now production planning, planningwork, vehicle fleet management, location of services, schedule planningand work shifts, educational management, resource allocation, route creation, logistics,planning recommendations via email, minimizing lead timeswork, creation of work teams, or cost reduction, among others. These solutions areideal for companies in various sectors that seek to optimize their processes and make decisionsdata-driven strategies. Scientific officer Juan […]Do you like it? Read more

Automatic planning
Abstrac Automatic planning is responsible for calculating a plan or sequence of actions that must be carried out.apply to one state of a problem to reach another state that satisfies certain conditionsconditions. A planner needs three inputs:-A description of the current state. For example, if it is a manufacturing problem,could indicate how many warehouses there are, where they are located, what they contain or what machines there areto manufacture the products. We have planners that allow us to model problems that require a high level ofexpressiveness, which include control parameters in actions. In this way, the plannerYou can decide certain […]Do you like it? Read more
Advanced modeling and computing

Conceptual modelling programming
Abstrac Development of information systems for organizational management, methodological consultingfor organizations that wish to improve their software production processes or undertakeprojects with outsourcing of implementation. As well as domain modelingcomplexes and consulting for the adoption of new technologies led by developmentmodels and automatic code generation. These methods have demonstrated high performancein industrial environments, obtaining quality products within deadlines andproject budgets and the ability to solve large and complex problems.This service is open to all types of companies that require managing or exploiting informationof any kind. Scientific officer Óscar Pastor LópezDo you like it? Read more

Organizational modeling
Abstrac Analysis and modeling of key organizational definitions for systems developmentof software. We have a method of analysis and organizational modeling that allowsrepresent strategic definitions that will guide the development and evolution of information systemssoftware and the business processes that will be supported by these systems. Our focusallows defining the ideal configuration of units within the organization that will demandand/or develop software systems that facilitate the design of business processes and systemsaligned with the goals of the organization and its units. Scientific officer Óscar Pastor LópezDo you like it? Read more

Digital twins
Abstrac In AI-powered digital twin applications, AI plays a leading roleat each layer and provides capabilities for:-Advanced pre- and post-processing, hybrid simulation, augmentation and fusiondata, and mining and discovery for the data layer;-Physics-based hybrid AI modeling, data assimilation, downscaling and integrationof later models, among others, for the model layer.-Recommendation, reasoning and generation of scenarios under uncertainty, digital assistantand visualization, among others for the decision-making support layer.The power of the GD+IA couple lies in the way in which the differentAI support approaches to implement DG layers. With no fixed rule on howIf this integration is to be done, developers can combine […]Do you like it? Read more

Membrane computing
Abstrac We design customized solutions to solve complex problems in different areas ofapplication. Our solutions are based on membrane computing that allows theImplementation of parallel and distributed information processing. OurThe approach can be applied in any area that allows algorithmic resolution.efficient in complex process engineering, health, energy or logistics problems, amongothers.This service is aimed at any type of company. Scientific officer José María SempereDo you like it? Read more

Business process design, abstraction and automation
Abstrac Design of business processes with model-driven methodologies. Methodological advicefor modeling processes aligned with organizational goals and structures, toensure the efficient and scalable implementation of information services. We have abusiness process design method that takes into account the organizational scenario tothe re-design of processes, and automatically proposes collaboration between business processesto achieve business goals. Business process modeling is focused oncommunication between system participants, and provides traceability and automationin the generation of information services that support the processes. Scientific officer Óscar Pastor LópezDo you like it? Read more