PhD Programmes
Doctoral Programme in Technologies for Health and Well-Being.
Places: 30
Languages: Spanish and English
Latest completed PhD Thesis
Author: Jesús Ortiz Amaya
Supervisor: Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Valderas, Pedro (21-NOV-24). [View Thesis]
Author: Gonzalo Vicente Garcés Díaz-Munío
Supervisor: Juan, Alfons ; Civera Saiz, Jorge (15-OCT-24). [View Thesis]
Author: Carlos Santiago Galindo Jiménez
Supervisor: Silva, Josep (24-SEP-24). [View Thesis]
Author: Sandra Martínez Sanchís
Supervisor: C. Monserrat (29-MAY-24). [View Thesis]
Author: Juan Jesús Izquierdo Doménech
Supervisor: Linares-Pellicer, Jordi (23-MAY-24). [View Thesis]
Author: César Leonardo González Pinzón
Supervisor: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel ; Julian, Vicente (12-APR-24). [View Thesis]