CVMC and UPV sign agreement to apply AI in machine translation and real-time subtitling
The Corporación Valenciana de Medios de Comunicación (CVMC) and the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) have signed a collaboration agreement that aims to enhance accessibility in public media (MMCC) through the promotion of research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in the processes of machine translation and real-time computer-assisted subtitling, both in Valencian and Spanish.
As a result of this agreement, both entities will coordinate structures, share knowledge and capabilities, and promote research and development actions for AI-based computer-aided audio and video subtitling.
80% success rate, right from the start, in the VRAIN-UPV subtitling system.
The weight of the research will be carried by experts from the Valencian Institute for Research in Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN-UPV), who will work for two years with professionals from various departments of À Punt Mèdia.
Not surprisingly, while the current Google system has a 55% accuracy rate in automatic subtitling, the VRAIN-UPV project starts from the beginning with a base of 80%, a percentage that aims to approach 90%.
Digital avatars for sign language in real time, automatic audio and video classifications…
Apart from its direct applications (improvement of the linguistic quality and speed of subtitles, editing stations, etc.), computer-assisted subtitling will be a first step towards other advances in transmedia communication systems linked to AI, such as digital avatars using sign language in real time, automatic audio and video classification, the creation of training content to promote Valencian regardless of the native language of the audience, the generation of suggestions to the user based on profiles, among others.
Click here for more information (spanish)