Digital twins


In AI-powered digital twin applications, AI plays a leading role
at each layer and provides capabilities for:
-Advanced pre- and post-processing, hybrid simulation, augmentation and fusion
data, and mining and discovery for the data layer;
-Physics-based hybrid AI modeling, data assimilation, downscaling and integration
of later models, among others, for the model layer.
-Recommendation, reasoning and generation of scenarios under uncertainty, digital assistant
and visualization, among others for the decision-making support layer.
The power of the GD+IA couple lies in the way in which the different
AI support approaches to implement DG layers. With no fixed rule on how
If this integration is to be done, developers can combine the approaches that best suit them.
adapt to the particular needs to solve the problem at hand (at the GD layer
particular) and connect them to compose a set of AI-compatible modules for a
certain configuration.
Furthermore, AI approaches, such as multi-agent systems, can provide DGs with capabilities
such as interaction and collaboration, to boost your computing capabilities more
beyond the only physical or social entity or phenomenon that the GD represents. And in this way allow
interconnect different DGs within an organization.

Scientific officer

Vicente Botti Navarro