Intelligent agentsIntelligent agents / multi-agent systems, agreement technologiesIntelligent agents


We offer innovative solutions for smart cities using East data
field focuses on developing systems where multiple computational entities, the so-called
agents, work together to solve a problem. Each agent has autonomy
to achieve their own goals and also cooperation and coordination skills to
work with the other actors in achieving a common objective. Within this
field, VRAIN of the UPV is specialized in areas such as: cognitive agents, agents
capable of simulating aspects of human cognition; technologies of agreement, techniques that
allow coordination, collaboration and negotiation between different actors; and ethical agents
and responsible, endowed with the capacity to represent and reason on the principles that
complex decisions. Techniques in this area can be applied to domains such as
distributed systems, robotics or simulation of complex systems.

Scientific officer

Vicente Botti Navarro