Doctoral Programme in Informatics.

Places: 40

Languages: Spanish, Valencian and English

Latest completed PhD Thesis

Delving into the abstractivity of summaries

Author: Vicent Ahuir Esteve

Supervisor: Segarra Soriano, Encarnación; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip (17-FEB-25). [View Thesis]

The Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence as a Prediction Problem

Author: Wout Willy M. Schellaert

Supervisor: Hernández-Orallo, José ; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando (07-FEB-25). [View Thesis]

Improving the QA testing process of desktop, web, mobile, and XR applications through scriptless testing using the TESTAR tool

Author: Fernando Pastor Ricos

Supervisor: Vos, Tanja Ernestina ; Marín-Campusano, Beatriz Mariela (16-JAN-25). [View Thesis]

Multiuser Privacy and Security Conflicts in the Cloud

Author: Eman Alhelali

Supervisor: Such Aparicio, José Miguel ; Such Aparicio, José Miguel (06-DEC-24). [View Thesis]