The State Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación) has published the provisional resolution of the call «Collaboration Challenges 2019», which plans to finance 158 R + D + i projects by means of 51.5 million euros in grants and more than 80 million in credits. One of the selected projects is SAFER-UPV, which is coordinated by VRAIN researchers Josep Galiana & Germán Vidal.
The main objective of the SAFER project is to advance the state-of-the-art of research in rigorous techniques to improve the reliability and usefulness of software in general, and of Internet-enabled applications, in particular. We also plan to develop methods and tools for analysing texts and web resources. Thus, this project pursues the improvement of software systems, while also contributing to the increase of the competitiveness of our country’s software development industry and the possibilities of knowledge and know-how transfer between Spanish universities and software companies. To carry out these goals we will rely on the foundations and techniques of the following well-established broad areas of computer science: software testing and debugging; program reliability; fuzzy techniques; information retrieval.