PhD Programmes

Doctoral Programme in Informatics.

Places: 40

Languages: Spanish, Valencian and English

Latest completed PhD Thesis

Improving the QA testing process of desktop, web, mobile, and XR applications through scriptless testing using the TESTAR tool

Author: Fernando Pastor Ricos

Supervisor: Marín-Campusano, Beatriz Mariela; Vos, Tanja Ernestina (16-JAN-25). [View Thesis]

An MDD approach for microservices composition. Facing identification and evolution issues to support business process execution

Author: Jesús Ortiz Amaya

Supervisor: Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria ; Valderas, Pedro (21-NOV-24). [View Thesis]

Automatic speech recognition and machine translation with deep neural networks for open educational resources, parliamentary contents and broadcast media

Author: Gonzalo Vicente Garcés Díaz-Munío

Supervisor: Juan, Alfons ; Civera Saiz, Jorge (15-OCT-24). [View Thesis]

Fragmentació de programes per a llenguatges de programació moderns / Fragmentación de programas para lenguajes de programación modernos / Program slicing for modern programming languages

Author: Carlos Santiago Galindo Jiménez

Supervisor: Silva, Josep (24-SEP-24). [View Thesis]

Estimación del comportamiento biomecánico del hígado y la mama in vivo utilizando algoritmos avanzados.

Author: Sandra Martínez Sanchís

Supervisor: C. Monserrat (29-MAY-24). [View Thesis]

Enhancing industrial process interaction using deep learning, semantic layers, and augmented reality

Author: Juan Jesús Izquierdo Doménech

Supervisor: Linares-Pellicer, Jordi (23-MAY-24). [View Thesis]


Master Programmes