Future Internet Testing
FITTEST is an European project (2010-2013) that will develop an integrated environment for the automated and continuous testing of Future Internet Applications. The Future Internet will be a complex interconnection of services, applications, content and media, on which our society will become increasingly dependent for critical activities such as public utilities, social services, government, learning, finance, business, as well as entertainment. Consequently, Future Internet applications have to meet high quality demands. Testing is the mostly used quality assurance technique applied in industry. However, the complexity of the technologies involved in the Future Internet makes testing extremely challenging and demands for novel approaches and major advancement in the field.
The overall aim of the FITTEST project is to address these testing challenges, by developing an integrated environment for automated testing, which can monitor the Future Internet application under test and adapt to the dynamic changes observed. The environment will implement continuous post-release testing to address self-modifiability and run-time adaptation of Future Internet applications. Since services can be dynamically discovered and added, intended use of the application can change after release. The environment will integrate, adapt and automate various techniques for continuous Future Internet testing (e.g. dynamic model inference, model-based testing, log-based diagnosis, oracle learning, combinatorial testing, concurrent testing, regression testing, etc.).

Main Researcher:
Tanja Vos
2010-2013 3 years
Funding Organization:
European Commission

Funding Programme:
7º Programa Marco de la UE, Programa Cooperación, Tema ICT, convocatoria FP7-ICT-2009-5

Press packs:
Las Provincias 22-12-10 (edición impresa)
Las Provincias .es 21-12-2010
20minutos .es 21-12-2010
ABC 21-12-2010
Europa Press 21-12-2010
Terra Noticias 21-12-2010
Que.es 21-12-2010
ADN 21-12-2010
eEcoDiario (elEconomista.es) 21-12-2010
Gente Digital 21-12-2010
MujerHoy.com 21-12-2010
Valencia Plaza 21-12-2010